Our Manipulators are used in Wafer Testing as well as in Final Testing. The systems achieve highest precision in handling of Testheads up to 500 kg weight for exact pre-positioning of Probers. Turbodynamics Manipulators in combination with our Docking Systems achieve backlash-free coupling to chip handling equipment in the µm-range.
We customize each device according to customer requirements and application.
You benefit from space savings, cost efficiency and operator-friendliness. We react proactively to market changes and new trends so that you are always at the cutting edge of technology with our products. Our Manipulators are compatible with systems from Cohu, Advantest, Terradyne, SPEA, Chroma and National Instruments, among others.
A list of compatible OEM Systems can be found here:

- Model 3650
- TD1060

If you would like to learn more about our products, please contact us!