Case Study
Turbodynamics Storage System
One of the biggest manufacturers in semiconductor market benefits from an innovative and pioneering solution to safely handle and store expensive probe cards.
May we introduce: The Turbodynamics Storage System.

The Challenge
Customers have a high number of heavy and highly expensive probe cards, which need to be transported safely from A to B.
With the “Turbodynamics Storage System”, the cards are inserted into the probers carefully. While the cards are idle, waiting for their next use, they are stored in a clean, temperature-controlled and safe place.
Before using “Turbodynamics Storage System”, an operator had to use any kind of box on a transportation cart manually.
The heavy weight of the probe cards is not easy to handle. Due to carelessness during the load and unload process from probers or storage unit, the cards were often damaged. Every time the card gets touched, it is risky for damaging. Especially because of the increasing requirements for ergonomic standards and automated handling processes, the customers are looking for alternative solutions.
Our Solution
A new generation of automated storage system for the probe cards combined with a probe card trolley reduces significantly the number of manually operating contacts with the cards.
The process now is structured and predefined completely which reduces human errors massively.
Both the repeatable and reliable safe loading and unloading process from and into the storage system, as well as from and into the probes with the help of the trolley prevents the risk of damage.
In addition, the unintentional misuse of the cards can be prevented as an automated guided vehicle, which reduces required work force as well, can hook up the trolley.
The Results
The results are as follows: both the process and the workflow are structured. In addition, safe handling of the expensive and sensitive equipment and probe cards can be ensured. In this case, there are also no unnecessary costs due to damage to the equipment. The worker is relieved by the removal of the heavy transport.
Through efficient use of space or room, the company can make good use of the remaining space. The storage system enables hands-free processes and the avoidance of unintentional human error.
The Turbodynamics Storage System therefore generates less stress, more pleasant work and more reliability for your company.