Danke für Ihren Besuch auf der Voice 2023 in Santa Clara, CA



Starting May 9th and 10th 2023, in California at the Advantest Voice in Santa Clara, CA, we were already able to meet lot of interesting people to talk about our products and innovations. First time we presented Turbodynamics with our new designed booth.

Benedikt Pongratz, our Sales Manager for the US, together with our Design Engineer Florian Hartl were on site during these two days.

Since Advantest is a key player in the test industry, Turbodynamics has a large variety of products which is able to perfectly interface with their solutions. Meeting with numerous Advantest experts made it possible for our team to stay up to date with the latest technology and market trends. Coupled with additional customer meetings and visits to our booth we are happy to say that this trade fair was a complete success.


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