Wir freuen uns Ihnen bekanntzugeben, dass wir Andy Nagy gewinnen konnten, als COO das Executive Team von Turbodynamics zu ergänzen. Dabei wird er sich auf den weltweiten Vertrieb, ...

Am Donnerstag, den 27. April 2023 nehmen wir am Girls' Day teil und bieten einen Schnuppertag in unserer Firma an.

Vom 15. bis 21. Februar 2023 war Turbodynamics Teilnehmer bei der Messe und den Workshops der Analog Decives 2023 auf den Philippinen. Unsere Verkaufs- und Servicemitarbeiter Bobby ...

Wir sind stolz, Ihnen unsere neue, mittlerweile fünfte Fräsmaschine vorzustellen. Mit den maximalen Verfahrwegen von 1750 x 1000 x 750 mm sind wir nun in der Lage, sowohl komplexe, ...

Turbodynamics is proud to announce that it has added a new highlight to their portfolio for fully automated products.
The new Auto Probecard Trolley complements the storage system ...

Another year is ending and once again, we are proud of our success. We owe this success not least to you. Turbodynamics wishes you a Merry Christmas, a peaceful holiday season and ...

Turbodynamics is proud to announce that it has developed a brand new fully automated board changing system with an integrated docking setup.
This universal solution is compatible ...

Turbodynamics GmbH congratulates Bendikt Pongratz to his new position as the GM of Turbodynamcis Inc. in California, USA.
Benedikt has great experiences with the complete product ...

Turbodynamics has improved their Manipulators and Trolleys portfolio. In the picture, you can see our brand new Manipulator TD1350 LR. It can handle Testheads up to 275 kg. In ...

Today, 10/10/22 is World Mental Health Day. But what does mental health mean anyway? Mental health is a state of well-being in which a person can realize his or her full potential, ...

After two years Turbodynamics had a company party at the "Rosenheimer Herbstfest". Our small Oktoberfest in Rosenheim. It was a pleasure to see the spirit within the Turbodynamics ...

In order to contribute to climate protection and to improve its own ecological footprint, Turbodynamics GmbH decided to equip its in-house milling shop with a 52kW photovoltaic ...

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