Manipulator Tiger M 750U
Key Features
- TD1380 R
- for heavy Test Heads
Weight capacity: up to ~750kg / 1650 lbs.
Empty Weight: 1510 kg/3329 lbs
- TD1380XL Manipulator for any kind of probing & final test applications
- Robust & powerful solution for heavy test heads up to 750kg
- Flexible, compact, and economical design (small footprint)
- Two-arm concept and rotational column enables +/-120° positioning of the test head on the test cell
- Motorized vertical, tumble and twist motion
with integrated emergency operation - Safety/power cut-off function for safe dock and undock procedure of the test head (springloaded vertical unit)
- Testhead-specific cable management
Standard Motions
- vertical travel
- side to side
- in/out movemet
- twist
- manual gear box
- optional electrical
- swing
- tumble
- electrical
- optional manual gear box
- tumble / theta adj.
Compatible Testheads
- Advantest T2000 52 Slot
If you would like to learn more about our products, please contact us!